Below is an excerpt from the book “Clarendon Vermont 1761 – 1976” Academy Books Rutland, Vermont.

Note the Original Steeple on the Church
The Old Brick Church:
“Be it remembered to the glory of the divine grace that it pleased God in the beginning of this year to visit his people in this place to awaken and reclaim some that were slumbering or wandering and to convert some to the knowledge of the truth so that on the eighteenth of February AD. 1822 a church was organized by the Rev. Henry Hunter resident as an evangelist and the Rev. Stephen Martind ale of Tinmouth.“ Thus the first pastor of the Congregational Church prefaced the original record book. The Revs. Hunter and Martindale along with ten members of the community got together on February 1822 to start the Congregational Church of Clarendon.
For 2 years after the organization and signing of the Constitution, meetings were held in the brick school house north of the land deeded to Second Religious Society or else in the old Baptist building.
The fellowship grew rapidly. The church screened each family wishing to join the church before admitting them. Each person, while being considered was required to state his ‘religious experience and views of the doctrines of the gospel” and to assent to the confession of the church. Rev. Hunter wrote of one man’s admission, “Perhaps it should be recorded to the praise of divine grace that he hopefully converted when seventy years of age and his wife when sixty all things are possible with God.”
Each member of the congregation was expected to be a model citizen and attend church regularly. Charges were brought against members for “intemperance and irregularity of conduct.” For punishment, the accused was required to make a public confession and promise to reform although expulsion from the church and its activities was also possible.
Remodeling the church began in 1858. The singer’s gallery was closed off, the pulpit redone, and the sounding board was removed.
On becoming pastor, Rev. William T. Herrick remarked that the church was, “throughly rebuilt inside and very neatly finished.”
The bell in the church today was placed in the belfry in 1869. The bell weighs over 800 pounds and cost the people more than $300.
1873 brought about the sale of the first parsonage and the building of a new one.
While all of the external improvements were being made, in 1876 George Morse became the inspiration for spiritual renewal. During his time as pastor Morse brought new light to the people of the Old Brick Church.
Everyone got involved with the upkeep of the church. A Ladies Aid Society was organized to raise money for costly repairs. A youth group brought in famous clergymen to lecture with the profits used also for repair work. The Steeple was built from this money. The memorial windows in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hannibal Hodges, Joseph and Sabia Gaskill, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Willis Hodges, Henry Hodges, Deacon Frederick Button, Deacon Nathaniel Crary, Chester and Rhoda Kingsley, Silas and Polly Bowen, John N. Pierce, and George Crossman were also installed at this time.
In 1882, the meeting house held a rededication ceremony. A newspaper recounted. “The Church is now in possession of a house of worship that compares favorably with the best in the country. It is hoped a becoming gratitude will cause it to be filled each Sabbath day, and that in connection with the worship there offered the blessing of God will come to all.”
In 1924, there was no resident pastor so after 100 years the Church had to be closed save only for special occasions.
Mrs. Gratz Powers thought it a shame that no one used the church anymore, so in 1935 she suggested that it be reopened during the summer.
Each year since a Yale student spent ten weeks or more at Clarendon. The student leads Sunday services, organizes programs for young people, and joins community leaders in carrying traditions established long ago.
The Rev. Robert Seneca Smith, of the Yale Divinity School and a Clarendon native, established and sponsored this program during his

Below is an excerpt from the pamphlet “The Old Brick Church Clarendon, Vermont Highlights Of It’s Historic Past” By N. Wendell Weeks
List of names beginning on first page of record with the top-of-page heading “Constitution of the 2nd Religious Society in Clarendon, Rutland Co. Vt.”
Henry Hodges
Fredrick Button
Caleb Hall
Wm. Carr
John Ormsby
Warner C. Carr
Artemus Keyes
Benjamin Roberts
Hannibal Hodges
Nathaniel Crary
Daniel Marsh
Thadeus Curtis
Ephraim: Tilton
John Bowman
Gurley Marsh
Benjamin Whitney
Daniel Underwood
Pliny Parker
Oliver Richardson
Alvin E. Parker
Calvin Spencer
Silas Bowen
Horace Kingsley
Wm. S. Weeks
Chester Kingsley
Win. Crossman Jr.
Silas W. Hodges
Moses Kinsman
Richard Greeley
Randal Rice
James Crocker
Green Arnold
Rufus Parke
JOhn Cobb
Enos K. Weller
David Palmer
Timothy Nurse
John Weeks
James Wyley
Win. Wyley
Meirhout Randal*
Wm Lord
Calvin Crossman
Benjm Parker
John N. Pierce
Alexander Newton
Ozias B. Hosford
Thom J. Underwood
Joseph Gaskill
*Spelling of first name is uncertain.
Summer Pastors
1935 – W. L. Shannon
1936 – Wallace Fridy
1937 – John F, McClelland
1933 – John H. Keefe
1939 – Grover .B. Wickenden
1940 – William Jr
1941 – Waldo Beach
1942 – John. Mullens
1943 – Hnry . Childsj
1944 – Mark Baker
1945 – Harry Broome
1946 – Rober H. Bryant
1947 – Robcrt H, Bryant
1948 – Edward J Tyler
1949 – Kimball Underwood
1950 – Paul L. Hammer
1951 – Paul L. Goering
1952 – Stuart Ryder
1953 – Donald J Mathjscn
1954 – Jack Hemenway
1955 – Henry R, Gooch
1956 – James P, Carse
1957 – Stuart E. Rapp
1958 – Rem B Edwards
1959 – Jordan B, Djckerjson
1960 – W James Halfaker
1961 – Donald Coeman
1962 – Charles W. Lynehan
1963 – Levering Reynolds III
1964 – Thomas Bogle
1965 – Earle Sanford
1966 – David Stroh
1967 – David Cain
1968 – David Cain
1969 – David Cain
1970 – James Campbell
1971 – Douglas Showalter
1972 – David McDonald
1973 – David McDonald
1974 – Ronald M, Cross
1975 – Brace 3yron ertz
1976 -Doborah & David Johnson
1977 – Robert Borchers
1978 – Robert Borchers
1979 – Bruce Sylvester
Full Time Pastors
Henry Hunter
Nathaniel Hurd
Philetus Clark
Horatio Flagg
Stephen Williams
Samuel Stone
Solomon Giddings
Ezra. Jones
Josiah Clark
Moses Grosvenor
William Herrick
Nathaniel Gilbert’
Hanson Barber
George Mores
Ira Jones
Thomas Davies
Richard Scoles
George Luckenbill
Albert Plum
Montie Fuller
Wa1er Curtis
John L, Holden
John 0. Long
0. R. Houghton
J. K. Dubois
John W. Padrick
Robert Moston
William Kingsley
1875 1876*
1916 1918
1996 – 2007
2007 – Present
* Intermittently
The list of the first contributors in the records of the Second Religious Society in Clarendon, Rutland County, Vermont. Date Of the list: January 8, 1824.
Henry Hodges
Randal Rice
Frederick Button
Silas Bowen
Nathi Crary
Silas W. Hodges
Hannibal. Hodges
John N. Pierce
Thos. Rice
Green Arnold
Win Crossman Jr.
Next column
Moses Perkins
Calvin Crossman
Calvin Spencer
Jacob Button
John Bowman
James Windsor
Richard Greeley
M. Wylie’s contribution of 400 bushels of lime.
As reported on page five, the total amount subscribed was $1,787.50.
Memorial Windows Given in Honor of:
John N. Pierce
Mr. and ‘Mrs. Hannibal Hodges
Joseph and Sabra Gaskill
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Willis Hodges
Henry Hodges
Deacon Frederick Bul2ton
Deacon Nathaniel Crary
Chester and Rhoda Kingsley
Silas and Polly Bowen
George W. Crossman
Chronological list of the Deacons
Nathaniel Crary
Frederick Button
Phillip Edgerton
Winslow S. Eddy
Willis Benson
John C. Spencer
James Barret
Frank B. Kingsley
David C. Hicks
Elijah N. Eddy
Amherst B. Weeks
Cecil Ingalls
George Ridlon
Willard Squier
Leland Congdon
Robert Stimson
1874- 1906
1907- 1919
1944- 1970
1973- 1979